Infinite City: Print Design & Jigsaw Puzzle

It’s a familiar sight in the Architectural press - an eminent Architect wants to share with the world their unique utopian vision for the city - an ideal, enlightened place where mess, sprawl and randomness will be ruthlessly expunged.

This project emerged from an urge to cheerfully undermine the vanity of such attempts to ‘solve’ the city - to create a tool / toy / game that generates messy, compromised urbanity and that resists the imposition of a single controlling hand. It comprises a set of components - residential and commercial districts, industry, infrastructure - that can be assembled in a vast variety of configurations.

The design is based on interlocking hexagons, generating a highly impractical triangular urban grid. Further layout possibilities are enabled by rotating each piece by 120 or 240 degrees. Assembling a city layout becomes a combination of deliberate choice, and the need to adapt in response to the unexpected implications of those decisions.