
Explore the Impossible Cities

Impossible City 1

Impossible City 2

Impossible City 3

I love geometry…

…how it is interpreted by the eye, and how artists and architects over millennia have engaged with perception, to communicate intent that may range from devout to disreputable. From late gothic vaults, Islamic muqarnas, and baroque church plans, to trompe l’oeil stage sets, practical special effects, and fairground sideshows.

It isn’t really about refining geometry to it’s pure essence - I can appreciate that but it’s not what excites me. It is instead about sensation: form, scale and light as a tool for evoking feelings, and for telling stories.

I have been fascinated by the geometric rules that humans have created in order to simulate real life since I was a small child. I can vividly remember the evening when my father first explained to me the concept of perspective drawing (he is an Architect too…) - and ever since I have been exploring the possibilities and testing the limits of established modes of architectural representation.

Even as a child I could intuitively grasp the huge power of perspective to engage the viewer: no training is needed to understand what is depicted, as the means of representation broadly simulates vision. But as time passed I found myself frustrated by its limitations - the straight jacket of the single point of view, the distortions creeping into the periphery. Pre-renaissance modes of composition, and fringe perspective techniques such as those used as the basis of panoramic dioramas hinted at alternative possibilities.

2020 - The Barbican Adrift

This piece sought to capture the feeling of isolation during lockdown. The islands within the sea surrounding my home are composed of elements from places with personal significance to me, but that I could only imagine while the pandemic was at its worst

Detail 1

Detail 2

Figure Drawing from Life - Barbican Art Society Spring 2024

Model: Adrian Gillan Instagram @modbodadrian

Model: Andrew Davidson Instagram @delamitrilifemodel

Model: Esther Bunting Instagram: @estherbunting

Drawing From Life

Helsinki, Finland, 2004

View across the harbour from Suomenlinna towards the city centre and the Lutheran Cathedral

S. Maria La Scala, Sicily, 2014

Sketch of Bougainvillea flowers

Getaria, Spain, 2015

View from the harbour wall towards the Church of San Salvador

Beaune, France, 2022

Portrait of Ginger, a chicken

Champagne Region, France, 2022

View towards Epernay

Compositions in Three Dimensions

Maze, 2021